Breast Revision/Implant ExchangeConveniently located to serve Scottsdale

Email Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon Dr. Lille

A breast revision/implant exchange in Scottsdale is performed to replace a patient’s breast implants with new ones. The decision to change your implants can be based on a myriad of factors. It is often performed to replace damaged or ruptured implants, address an aesthetic or medical issue, or update the implant material or size.

Aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations that occur after the first breast augmentation procedure may affect the skin and deeper tissues of the breasts. These changes can make the skin thinner and the deeper tissues weaker.

This may result in smaller breasts with increased visibility of implant ripples due to the loss of breast tissue volume and implant migration. In addition, excess skin may also develop. Increasing the implant volume, upgrading from saline to silicone to reduce ripples, and gaining a more natural teardrop shape can help alleviate these issues.

Capsular contracture may also occur. When the scar-tissue capsule around an implant is thicker than normal, it can cause pain, stiffness, and aesthetic issues. In these cases, the capsule must be released or sometimes even fully removed.

Implants can also migrate in the pocket due to wear and tear over time, necessitating internal pocket suturing modifications. Finally, a donut or full breast lift may be required to address increased laxity of the breast skin envelope.

If you are experiencing some or any of these issues, please contact our office for a personal consult with Dr. Lille.

How Often Should Implant Exchange Surgery Be Performed?

Implants do not last forever. When a saline implant ruptures, the water gets safely absorbed into the surrounding tissues, and the change in volume is noticed immediately. For patients who are not experiencing any issues with their saline implants, Dr. Lille advises that an implant exchange is not necessary.

However, Dr. Lille recommends changing silicone implants every 10 to 14 years. The rupture rate increases yearly, and when a silicone implant rupture occurs, it does not always result in aesthetic changes. The exchange for a non-ruptured silicone implant is much less complicated with fewer costs compared to ruptured silicone implants.

Ideal Candidates for Breast Revision/Implant Exchange

The best candidates for breast revision/implant exchange include people unsatisfied with their breast implants’ size, appearance, or shape and people worried about the implants’ condition.

How Do I Know If I Need a Breast Implant Exchange?

Although most silicone breast implants will need their regular replacements within 10 to 14 years, there are a few major telltale signs that will signal the need for breast implant removal and exchange whether for saline or silicone. These signs can include the following:

  • Implant rupture
  • Implant migration out of the normal breast pocket dimensions
  • Visible rippling
  • Visible changes in the size and shape of your breasts
  • Capsular contracture

Some of these signs, such as a silicone rupture, can be hard for patients to notice on their own. For this reason, it is important that patients get regularly checked by their breast surgeon or doctor to monitor the health of their breast implants and to prevent any complications from happening further.

More About Dr. Sean T. Lille

Board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Sean T. Lille is an expert in breast implant procedures. Drawing from his 23 years of experience and over 3,500 breast implant surgeries, he is one of a handful of physicians in the Scottsdale, AZ, area to offer breast implant revisions. With techniques that prioritize patient comfort and reduce the risk of complications, Dr. Lille provides high-quality treatment for resolving breast implant issues and providing you with the right kind of implants you may need. Raised in Arizona himself, he is proud to serve patients in Scottsdale and its greater surrounding areas.

What Is the Complication Rate of a Breast Implant Exchange?

The breast implant exchange has a very low complication rate, and under Dr. Lille’s care, patients can feel confident about managing any discomfort they may experience. With techniques guided by his years of expertise in the field, Dr. Lille often implements ways to provide a breast implant exchange that decreases the rate of complication overall. According to the National Library of Medicine, the rates of clinically significant capsular contracture are “between 15% and 45% (2–5), with 92% of these occurring in the first year after surgery (6).” Over the last five years, Dr. Lille’s has been less than 3%.

Arrange a Consultation

Are you in need of a breast revision/implant exchange in Scottsdale? Dr. Sean Lille is a trusted board-certified plastic surgeon and is an excellent and experienced choice for your procedure. Contact us to schedule your consultation today!


How To Prepare for Breast Implant Revision/Exchange Surgery?

After being deemed a suitable candidate for breast revision surgery, you may have to do some or all of the following:

  • Have preoperative lab testing performed.
  • Have an MRI or other type of imaging done of your breasts.
  • Discontinue or adjust certain medications you are currently taking.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Discontinue over-the-counter medications to include anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, and herbal supplements.

In addition, you will need to arrange for someone to drive you home if your procedure is performed at an outpatient surgery center. It is also recommended that you arrange to have someone stay with you the first night after surgery if performed as an outpatient.

What Happens During a Breast Implant Revision/Exchange?

During your procedure, your original breast implants will be removed. Depending on what was decided upon in your consultation, new implants may be inserted or exchanged. The exact surgical procedure will depend on why you are having revision/exchange surgery, your overall health, and what your surgeon feels is the best course of action. If your breast implants are being removed because of leakage, they will be removed and new ones will be implanted. If they are being exchanged because you are not happy with the aesthetic result, the same holds true. Your original implants will be removed and the new ones will be placed.

What To Expect After Surgery?

After surgery, you will have a recovery period in which you may need to take time off from work and discontinue certain activities. Immediately after your breast implant revision or exchange, you will wear a supportive bra to minimize pain and discomfort. You may also need to take pain medication to alleviate any tenderness you have.

It is important to note that you will have to avoid vigorous exercise and activity for at least three to six weeks. If you have a tube placed to drain excess fluid, you will need to return to the office to check your progress and have the drain tube removed. Most importantly, remember that you cannot rush the recovery process. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s postoperative care instructions to ensure proper healing.

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(480) 661-6197
10210 N. 92nd Street, Suite 203
Scottsdale, AZ 85258

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