Brow Lift & Forehead Lift in ScottsdaleConveniently located to serve Phoenix, Mesa, & Glendale, AZ

A brow lift in Scottsdale, also called a forehead lift, is a procedure that restores a more youthful, refreshed look to the area above the eyes. The procedure corrects drooping brows and improves the horizontal lines and furrows that can make a person appear angry, sad or tired. In a forehead lift, the muscles and tissues that cause the furrowing or drooping are removed or altered to smooth the forehead, raise the eyebrows and minimize frown lines. Dr. Lille prefers using an endoscope, a viewing instrument that allows the procedure to be performed with minimal incisions.


Who Can Benefit From a Brow Lift?

  • brow lift before after photos Scottsdale, AZ

A forehead lift is most commonly performed in the 40-60 age range to minimize the visible effects of aging. However, it can also help people of any age who have developed furrows or frown lines due to stress or muscle activity. Individuals with inherited conditions, such as a low, heavy brow or furrowed lines above the nose can achieve a more alert and refreshed look with this procedure.

A forehead lift is often performed in conjunction with a facelift to provide a smoother overall look to the face. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may also be performed at the same time as a forehead lift, especially if a patient has significant skin overhang in the upper eyelids. Sometimes, patients who believe they need upper-eyelid surgery find that a forehead lift better meets their surgical goals.

Patients who are bald, who have a receding hairline, or who have had previous upper-eyelid surgery may still be good candidates for forehead lift. Dr. Lille will simply alter the incision location or perform a more conservative operation.

Remember, a forehead lift can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal or cause other people to treat you differently. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them in detail with your doctor.

Dr Sean Lille brow lift specialist Scottsdale, AZ

Dr. Lille Practice Philosophy


“ I have had a previous surgery with this physician. I respect him and his knowledge. I am comfortable with him and his staff. I was highly satisfied with the whole process of my first surgery and I am again with the consultation process for my upcoming surgery.”

Dr Lille forehead surgeon Scottsdale, AZ
  1. Consultation
  2. Before Surgery
  3. Overview
  4. Incision
  5. Endoscopic
  • Planning your Forehead Lift Surgery

    For a better understanding of how a forehead lift might change your appearance, look into a mirror and place the palms of your hands at the outer edges of your eyes, above your eyebrows. Gently draw the skin up to raise the brow and the forehead area. That is approximately what a forehead lift would do for you.

    During your consultation, Dr. Lille will discuss your goals for the surgery and ask you about certain medical conditions that could cause problems during or after the procedure, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood-clotting problems, or the tendency to develop large scars. Dr. Lille will also carefully examine your forehead region. You may be asked to make a few facial expressions to complete the assessment. Photographs of the area may be taken to aid in creation of the surgical plan and for before-and-after purposes. These will be kept for your medical records. Be sure to tell Dr. Lille if you have had previous facial surgery, if you smoke, or if you take any drugs or medications — including aspirin or other drugs that affect clotting. Smoking can negatively affect the health of the skin. This can result in an increase in the chance of surgical complications, along with a prolonged healing process.

    During your consultation, you can also inquire about cost and your payment options.

  • Preparing for your Forehead Lift Surgery

    Dr. Lille will give you specific instructions to prepare for the procedure, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking and avoiding certain vitamins and medications. Carefully following these instructions will help your surgery and your recovery proceed more smoothly.

    If your hair is very short, you may wish to let it grow out before brow lift surgery, so that it’s long enough to hide the scars while they heal.
    Whether your forehead lift is done in an outpatient facility or in the hospital, you should arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery, and to help you out for a day or two.

  • Surgery Options

    Most forehead lifts are performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Lille will help you decide which surgical approach will best achieve your cosmetic goals: the endoscopic forehead lift, the front hairline incisional, open, lift for those with receding hairlines and high foreheads or the trans-forehead lift where incisions are placed in well-defined forehead wrinkles.

  • Incision

    The type and location of the incisions depends on which specific technique Dr. Lille will perform for your brow lift.

  • The endoscopic forehead lift

    Typically, an endoscopic forehead lift requires three, four or five short scalp incisions, each less than an inch in length. This is also a much less invasive technique compared to the other options, making for a more comfortable recovery process.

    An endoscope, which is a pencil-like camera device connected to a television monitor, is inserted through one of the incisions, allowing a clear view of the muscles and tissues beneath the skin. Using another instrument inserted through a different incision, the forehead skin is lifted and the muscles and underlying tissues are removed or altered to produce a smoother appearance. The eyebrows may also be lifted and secured into their higher position by sutures beneath the skin’s surface or by temporary fixation screws placed behind the hairline.

    When the lift is complete, the scalp incisions will be closed with stitches or clips and the area will be washed.

  • At Home

    Although you should be up and about in a day or two, plan on taking it easy for at least the first week after surgery. You should be able to shower and shampoo your hair within two days. Most patients are back to work or school in a week to 10 days.

  • Recovery

    The immediate post-operative experience for a patient who has had an endoscopic forehead lift differs significantly from a patient who had the procedure performed through the trans-forehead approach. Trans-forehead patients may feel ready to return to work sooner. Ultimately, the recovery period varies according to a patient’s healing capacities.

    Vigorous physical activity should be limited to several weeks, including jogging, bending, heavy housework, sex, or any activity that increases your blood pressure. Prolonged exposure to heat or sun should be limited to several months.

  • Pain

    Patients may experience some numbness and temporary discomfort which can be controlled with prescription medication. Your head will be elevated for two to three days following surgery to keep the swelling down. To aid in the process of swelling reduction, cold compresses can also be held against the affected area to reduce swelling. Swelling may also affect the cheeks and eyes — however; this should begin to disappear in a week or so.

    As the nerves heal, numbness on the top of your scalp may be replaced by itching. These sensations may take as long as six months to fully disappear. Most stitches or clips will be removed within two weeks, sometimes in two stages.

    Trans-forehead lift patients may experience some numbness, incision discomfort and mild swelling.

    Incision site pain is usually minimal, but can be controlled with medication, if necessary. Trans- forehead lift patients experience much less of the itching sensation felt by patients who have had the endoscopic forehead lift and have considerably less swelling.

    The stitches or staples used to close the incisions are usually removed within 10 – 12 days.

  • Scarring

    Most of the visible signs of surgery should fade completely within about three weeks. Minor swelling and bruising can be concealed with special camouflage makeup. You may feel a bit tired and let down at first, but your energy level will increase as you begin to look and feel better.

  • Results

    Most patients are pleased with the results of a forehead lift, no matter which surgical method was used. Often, patients don’t realize how much their sagging forehead contributed to the signs of aging until they see how much younger and more rested they appear after the lift.

    Although a forehead lift does not stop the clock, it can minimize the appearance of aging for years. As time passes, you may want to repeat the procedure.

  • Complications

    All plastic surgery procedures carry some uncertainty and complications.
    Complications are rare and usually minor when a forehead lift is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. Yet, the possibility of complications must be considered.

    In rare cases, the nerves that control eyebrow movement may be injured on one or both sides, resulting in a loss of ability to raise the eyebrows or wrinkle the forehead. Additional surgery may be required to correct the problem.

    Formation of a broad scar is also a rare complication. This may be treated surgically by removing the wide scar tissue so a new, thinner scar may result. Also, in some patients, hair loss may occur along the scar edges.

Before & Afters

  • brow lift procedure results Scottsdale, AZ
  • brow lift surgery results photos Scottsdale, AZ

Brow Lift Q&A

Q: What is a brow lift?

A: A brow lift is a procedure that elevates the eyebrows, performed by various techniques. Dr. Lille evaluates the brows and the position of the brows which is determined at the level of where the brows sit in relationship to the eye brow bone or supraorbital rim. Ideally in a female, the apex of the eyebrow should be approximately 1 to 1.2 cm above the eyebrow bone—whereas for men the eyebrow should at least sit evenly with the edge of the bone itself.

Q: What type of procedures are available to raise the brow?

A: Dr. Lille commonly employs two different techniques. The first is called the endoscopic brow lift. For those patients that have a sufficient amount of hair with an anterior hairline that is appropriately positioned, the endoscopic brow lift may be ideal. Two 3cm incisions are placed behind the temporal hairline and a 1 centimeter incision is placed just behind the front hairline.

Endoscopic equipment is emplaced and the tissues are elevated off the forehead area and mobilized back. To keep them in this position, endotine devices or biodegradable spikes are secure to the skull surface and allowed to keep the newly lifted tissues in place.

For those people who have high hairlines, an endoscopic brow lift may not be the ideal procedure because the hairline is moved back approximately a quarter to a half an inch during the endoscopic brow lift procedure. In those specific patients, an anterior forehead lift may be an option although Dr. Lille makes it aware that a scar along the front of the hairline will be present and to many patients this may not be a viable option.

Another technique is called a trans-forehead brow lift which is most notably useful in men. A trans-forehead brow lift accesses the deep forehead lines that are already present. An incision is placed in those already present lines with removal of excess skin. The incision is closed and the brows are subsequently elevated following the closure. This is not an ideal option in women, since forehead wrinkles are not commonly present or deep.

The fourth option is called a transbrowforehead by placing the incision just above the eyebrow line and removing excess skin through this incision. Dr. Lille does not favor this approach, since the scar may not be ideal.

Q: How long do forehead lifts last?

A: The duration of forehead lifts depends upon the patient’s lifestyle, genetics and characteristics of the patient’s skin and the age when the procedure was performed . Generally speaking forehead lifts can last a long time anywhere from seven to fifteen years depending upon the individual.

Q: What is recovery like after a brow lift?

A: Following the procedure, patients will need to abstain from a desk job from anywhere from seven to ten days and physical activity for approximately twelve to fourteen days depending upon the type of forehead lift procedure. Bruising is usually minimal or non- existent and swelling for the more extensive brow lift can last for a couple weeks.

Q: Are there any scars that are visible from a forehead lift?

A: There are no scars visible whatsoever from an endoscopic forehead lift. Since all scars are placed behind the hairline. A trans-forehead brow lift will have an inconspicuously placed scar in the deep forehead crease; and therefore, have a virtually undetectable forehead scar. The anterior forehead lift can be visible if the hair is brushed back . A transbrowlift where the scar is placed just above the eyebrow may also be visible but minimally.

Q: How much does a brow lift cost?

A: The price of a brow lift for Scottsdale patients is based on the details of the procedure, which vary from case to case. The total time needed to perform the surgery, the type of anesthesia required, and the techniques employed all play a role in determining overall cost.

Contact Us

Get your brow lift in Scottsdale with Dr. Lille today. Arrange a consultation to see how a brow lift can help you achieve a more youthful appearance.

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(480) 661-6197
10210 N. 92nd Street, Suite 203
Scottsdale, AZ 85258

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