Male Plastic Surgery in ScottsdaleConveniently located to serve Phoenix, Mesa, & Glendale, AZ

Male Plastic Surgery Procedures

Planning Your Surgery

Good communication between you and your plastic surgeon is essential when planning your surgery. In your initial consultation, you’ll be asked to explain in detail why you want the procedure and how you hope to look and feel afterward. It’s important to set aside any awkwardness you might feel, and speak candidly about the changes you’d like to see. You should feel completely assured that you and your surgeon understand one another.

Your doctor will also evaluate your health, conduct a physical exam, take pre-operative photographs, and explain which surgical techniques are most appropriate for you. You’ll discuss the type of anesthesia to be used, the type of facility where the surgery will be performed, the possible risks, and the costs involved. Medical insurance usually doesn’t cover cosmetic procedures. However, some plastic surgeons offer special financing plans for cosmetic surgery or accept credit cards.

Tell your surgeon if any part of the consultation makes you uncomfortable, or if you have any special privacy requests. Above all, it’s important to have realistic expectations about your surgery. Remember, your doctor can offer significant improvement, but not perfection. Keep in mind that your age and health may play a role in the quality of the outcome.

Before & Afters

The Surgery

Extensive information about the particular procedure you plan to have will be provided during your consultation. While going over the steps of the procedure, your doctor will discuss a number of issues that may influence your surgery. Make sure you fully understand these considerations.

Facial surgery:

    • If you are planning facial surgery or neck surgery, your doctor will evaluate your entire head-face-neck region. Is the hairline receding? How full are the sideburns? Does the beard-growing skin extend up the cheeks or down the neck? Are there facial scars? Is the skin sun-damaged? Is the neck skin loose or drooping?

In general, it’s known that male facial skin has a richer blood supply than female facial skin. Male faces bleed more during surgery and are at greater risk for forming a temporary collection or pooling of blood under the skin, called a hematoma, after surgery.

Also, any scarring that may result from surgery may be more difficult for men to hide, since they don’t wear make-up or style their hair toward their faces, as many women do.

Hair growth and beard growth may play a major role in the outcome of a facelift. If you are balding or have thinning hair, surgical artistry may be required to hide the facelift incision, especially in the temple area. If the hair-bearing skin of your upper neck is pulled behind your ears during surgery, you may find that you must shave behind your ears or the back of your neck. However, sometimes electrolysis can correct this problem. Be sure to discuss these possibilities with your surgeon.

A fatty or “jowly” area beneath the chin is also a concern for many men. In younger patients, liposuction alone may be sufficient to correct the problem. Older patients may require a full facelift and necklift, which may include the removal of excess skin and tightening the platysma muscles, which run down each side of the neck. These muscles are usually thicker in men than they are in women, but do not pose a greater challenge for your plastic surgeon.

“Refinishing” treatments for facial skin: Shaving must be postponed for about 3 weeks after a skin-smoothing treatment such as chemical peel or dermabrasion. Because these procedures strip away the surface layers of skin, you can expect your face to remain sensitive, swollen, and bright pink for several weeks after surgery.

Some men are happy that the beard growth helps conceal the pinkness of their recovering skin — especially if they feel uncomfortable using camouflage make-up.

Men who feel self-conscious about their condition are also advised to give up alcoholic drinks for about 4 weeks. Alcohol causes the areas of treated facial skin to become noticeably red and flushed.

Changing the facial features: Cosmetic procedures such as eyelid surgery, nose surgery, and facial-implant surgery are performed essentially the same way for men and women. However, it’s important to let your surgeon know if you are seeking a more masculine look to your facial features — a chin with better projection, more prominent cheekbones, a stronger nose.

Hair replacement: The primary consideration for men contemplating hair-replacement surgery is the time involved. Natural-appearing hair replacement usually requires multiple surgical procedures, with long recovery intervals. A full regimen of hair transplants may last anywhere from 18 months to 2 years or more.

You should be aware that incisions or transplant sites may be noticeable to others, especially in the early stages of the hair transplant process. If your work or lifestyle isn’t compatible with a long treatment period, ask your surgeon about alternatives to hair-transplant options, such as flap surgery or scalp reduction.

Liposuction/body contouring:The ideal male body shape is considered to be trim and athletic-looking, with broad shoulders and chest, a flat abdomen, and a narrow hip-thigh area. However, as men age, areas of fat tend to accumulate around the abdomen, the flanks (“love handles”), the breast area (a condition called gynecomastia), and along the chin and neck. Men sometimes seek liposuction to remove these fatty areas that are resistant to diet and exercise.

In many cases, liposuction alone can effectively correct these problem areas. Men retain their skin elasticity longer than women do, and the areas of fat beneath the skin tend to be firmer and more vascular than those in women. Because of these and other factors, liposuction in men is usually very effective.

Men who have some loose, hanging skin as well as areas of excess fat may opt for a traditional excision procedure (surgical skin removal) in addition to liposuction. An excision may also be performed on gynecomastia patients whose breast enlargement is made up of mostly glandular tissue, rather than fat.

Abdomen reduction: A full abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” may be chosen by men who have hanging abdominal skin (usually the result of massive weight loss), loose abdominal muscles, and/or neglected hernias. It is a major surgical procedure that removes excess fat, tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall, and trims the waistline. Men who have a full abdominoplasty are often surprised at the long recovery period. Some patients aren’t able to return to work up to 4 weeks after surgery.

Men with good skin elasticity who have only a moderate amount of excess abdominal fat may benefit from liposuction alone.

Muscle-enhancing surgery: In recent years, plastic surgeons have developed ways of improving muscle contour with cosmetic implants and “sculpting” techniques.

Calf implants, which were originally developed to restore leg contour in accident or polio victims, are now sometimes used to create cosmetic fullness in the lower leg. Similarly, pectoral implants, which are used to build the chests of men with Poland’s syndrome, can also be used to “bulk out” the existing pectoral muscles of healthy men.

A small number of doctors have begun offering their male patients abdominal etching, a new liposuction technique that creates a muscular, rippled appearance in the abdominal area.

Men who consider cosmetic muscle enhancement should keep in mind that these procedures are still relatively new. It is best to seek out a board-certified plastic surgeon who has received adequate training in these methods.

After Your Surgery

The days and weeks immediately following your surgery are critical to obtaining a good final result. Therefore, it’s essential that you follow your doctor’s orders to the letter. Following orders may mean taking adequate time off work; wearing bandages or tight compression garments; getting enough rest; staying out of the sun; saying no to alcohol and cigarettes; and avoiding strenuous activity, exercise, sports, and even sex.

However, plastic surgeons understand that it’s sometimes difficult for men, who are programmed by society to be stoic, to remain in bed for very long or to accept help from others during recovery. Studies have shown that men often deny their pain and feel foolish about asking for help after surgery. Men who reject help may have an especially difficult recovery if post-operative depression sets in during the weeks following surgery.

To avoid post-operative problems, it’s important that you arrange to have a support person available to help you — both physically and emotionally — for about a week after surgery. If you get the help and rest you need, you’ll improve your chances of a quicker recovery — and you may see your results a lot sooner.

Men and Cosmetic Surgery

Our society places a high value on looking young and fit. Today, men of all ages and all walks of life are requesting plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons. Men’s goals include a more balanced nose, a rejuvenated face, a trimmer waistline. The procedures used to achieve these goals must take into consideration factors such as skin thickness, beard growth, or body type.

This brochure reviews some of the special considerations for men contemplating a cosmetic procedure. It won’t answer all of your questions, since a lot depends on your individual circumstances. Be sure to ask your doctor if there is anything you don’t understand about the procedure you plan to have.

Enhancing your appearance with soft tissue augmentation

The visible signs of facial aging occur over time as a result of sun exposure, heredity and life style.

One of the earliest signs of aging is a loss of facial fullness and the development of wrinkles. Softening of these facial lines and the restoration of volume and fullness in the face often can be achieved non-surgically with injectable fillers.

If you would like to restore facial contours, or reduce the appearance of lines and creases, injection therapy with soft tissue fillers may be right for you.

Injectable fillers can:

  • Plump thin lips
  • Enhance shallow contours
  • Soften facial creases and wrinkles
  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars

What it won’t do:

Soft tissue augmentation does not stop the aging process. If you wish to change the elements of your face, surgery such as a facelift, brow lift or eye lift may be the answer.

Non-surgical rejuvenation treatments such as injectable fillers cannot achieve the same results, but may help delay the time at which a facelift becomes appropriate.

Gynecomastia Q&A

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is the presence and enlargement of breast tissue in males. It is benign in nature and usually arises in adolescent boys who have some sort of breast development during puberty and can also be present in middle aged men due to a natural decrease of testosterone. Gynecomastia may also result from liver or kidney diseases, metabolic disorders or as a side effect of certain medications.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of Gynecomastia?

Enlarged breast tissue can occur in both or one side of the chest area and is associated with an increase in the diameter of the areola; as well as, asymmetry between the chest tissue.

What are the causes of Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is often the result of having a higher degree of estrogen in relation to androgen, however, in approximately one fourth of the cases the cause of gynecomastia is unknown. Causes of a gynecomastia can also result from the use of certain medications including cimetidine, human growth hormone, steroids, certain heart medications, omeprazole and cannabis/ marijuana. Other causes of gynecomastia can also include a pituitary gland insufficiency or hormone producing tumors; such as, those found in the thyroid or male testicles. It can also occur with kidney and or liver failure.

Is Gynecomastia harmful?

Gynecomastia is not physically harmful, but it is important that we rule out more serious underlying conditions such as testicular cancer. Gynecomastia can occasionally be painful due to hormonal stimulation. However, a more frequent finding is that it can often present with psycho social difficulties such as poor self- esteem.

Who gets Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can be found in newborns; as well as, adolescents and middle-aged men. Most newborn gynecomastia presentations usually resolve on their own. Gynecomastia in adolescent boys, in some reports, has been as high as seventy percent. Most cases of adolescent gynecomastia disappear within six months to two years. The frequency, however, of gynecomastia in younger men has increased in recent years due to the preponderance of high protein, pre-steroid protein mixes available for muscle building nutritional products.
In the middle age male population, pseudo gynecomastia, which is differentiated from glandular tissue gynecomastia, is also prevalent where an excessive amount of fibrous, fatty tissue is located in the chest area.

How can I tell if I have Gynecomastia?

In most cases, gynecomastia is diagnosed by a clinician in a physical exam. It is important that Dr. Lille always performs an associated careful medical history to evaluate medication and drug use. In addition, it is also important to make sure there is no suspicion of cancer or any abnormal tumor producing conditions.

What is the treatment for Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia in preadolescent males often goes away on its own; however, it can take up to six months to two years. It is important to ensure that patients are not taking any medications or to rule out any underlying medical conditions that can cause gynecomastia. Medications have also been used to treat gynecomastia which includes testosterone replacement, which can be effective in older men with low levels of testosterone. Also, estrogen blocking medications such as tamoxifen have been shown to reduce breast volume in gynecomastia.

What is the surgical treatment for Gynecomastia?

If other treatment modalities have failed, the final and definitive approach is surgery. Surgical treatment includes removal of the excessive fat with contouring using a Vaser liposuction. In addition, the Vaser helps tighten the overlying skin which improves the overall result. Most notably, treatment must include removal of all of the breast tissue through a periareolar incision. The glandular breast tissue is very resistant to contouring and removal with the Vaser liposuction; and therefore, a direct excision is required.

What is post care treatment like?

Following the surgery, compression garments are usually required for at least two to three months. Full return to activity in the weight room can be allowed at three weeks, with running and bicycling at approximately four to five weeks. Swimming may be allowed at four to five weeks.

Is there any pain from the surgery?

You may feel like you had an intense chest workout which usually lasts anywhere from three to seven days.

How long does the swelling last?

Swelling can last for up to a year but approximately seventy percent of the swelling is resolved within three to four months.

What are the risks of gynecomastia surgery?

Risks exist in any surgery. The risks associated with gynecomastia reduction include bleeding, infection, scarring, damage to deeper underlying structures, and loss of sensitivity to the area. Particular to gynecomasta; there is always a risk of a burn wound, or nipple loss and discoloration of the nipple area. Dr. Lille has had extensive experience with the combination techniques using the Vaser Liposcultping and direct excision and has yet to bring anybody back to surgery to repair a complication.

What happens if there is a significant amount of excess skin after gynecomastia surgery?

Patients with progressed gynecomastia often present with looseness of the skin and sagginess of the breasts. In the vast majority of cases, the chest skin is able to be flattened and tightened without additional skin tightening surgery and additional scars. Although the chest will not be completely smooth in the severe cases, the vast majorities of patients are pleased with the results. In addition, patients are appreciative of not having the extra financial commitment and the scars that are associated with the skin excision surgery.

How do I prepare for gynecomastia surgery?

Patients should be in good health and have avoided taking aspirin, non-steroidals or other blood thinning medications for at least three weeks prior to surgery. Patients that are 45 years or older or have a history of medical problems will be required to undergo medical clearance which consists of laboratory blood tests and an EKG.

How long does the surgery take?

Depending on the severity of the gynecomastia, surgery usually takes anywhere from two to three and a half hours to complete.

Is it right for me?

While not as involved as surgical cosmetic procedures, soft tissue augmentation is a medical procedure. You should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image. Tissue fillers are a good option for you if:

  • You are physically healthy
  • You don’t smoke
  • You have a positive outlook and specific, but realistic goals in mind for the improvement of your appearance


Male Surgeries


Fifty percent of all men during their lifetime have some form of gynecomastia. Enlargement can be composed completely of fat, combination of fat and breast tissue which is the most common or a clearly defined mass of breast tissue which is seen often in adolescents or young adults. In cases where the enlargement is due largely to fat, exercise and diet can help. If breast tissue is present, a combination procedure of vaser liposelection to shape and contour the chest by melting away fat and direct excision of glandular breast tissue through several small incisions has allowed Dr. Lille to achieve flat results. When excess or loose skin is present the Vaser can considerably help tighten the skin to avoid unsightly chest scars. After treatment, men can get those bulked-out, defined Pecs without the camouflage of breast tissue and fat. Recovery is one to two weeks and compressions garments should be worn for two months.



We may maximize workouts, eat like rabbits and take vitamins like candy and still find that we have those resistant areas around our hips, flanks and abdominal area. If that’s the case, liposuction can be ideal in shaping those extra pads. Dr. Lille uses Vaser Liposelection, the most advanced in ultrasonic technology. It targets only the fat cells and does not injure other tissue components below the skin. The Vaser is very useful in men who have more fibrous strands below the skin where fat cells can hide. The Vaser liquefies the hard to get to fat and helps tighten the under surface of the skin from the heat generated by the Vaser. Recovery is fast, anywhere from three to five days before returning to work, and you can work out as soon as one to two weeks. Compression garments are worn and the surgery is definitive.


Male Facelifts

When it comes to keeping men looking youthful and energetic in the board room or having that edge to compete in the interview process for jobs, facelift surgery can bring you to new heights. Facelifts for men should be approached differently than for women. First of all, guys have thicker skin, more hair follicles and blood vessels in their facial skin. Risks and complications can be higher. In addition, hair bearing skin can be brought up to and behind the ears when the skin flaps are pulled back, thereby changing your shaving habits. In addition, Dr. Lille believes that full facelifts have the potential to feminize men and cause their looks to change significantly.

The adage “less is more” goes a long way in male facial rejuvenation surgeries. Elevating and dissecting large facial skin flaps in full facelifts increases bleeding, swelling and bruising which prolongs recovery. By addressing each aging sign of the face and concealing the scars along facial wrinkles, results can be optimize without increasing risks and downtime.

To achieve this, Dr. Lille concentrates his surgeries on:

1) Raising the eyebrows by placing incisions in the deep creases of the forehead

2) Soften the deep creases between the cheek and the mouth area by excising the deep nasolabial crease

3) Eliminate the turkey gobbler neck by performing a midline Z-plasty necklift, where a zigzag scar is hidden below the chin area. This great procedure tightens neck muscles and removes excess skin and significantly reduces facial jowling.

4) Fat grafting to cheek areas to provide a scaffold support to the mid-face can really help alleviate the “gaunt” look. 5) Adding a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) can turn back the clock ten to fifteen years without changing your look. Special attention must be made to the lower eyelid in older males. Conservative approaches using a lateral-pinch lower eyelid lift can avoid the eye-shape changing results of the more aggressive lower eyelid surgeries.

(480) 661-6197
10210 N. 92nd Street, Suite 203
Scottsdale, AZ 85258

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